Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22, 2009

Daily Questions:
-Please pull out your homework and keep it at your desk to check for completion (worksheet ch 35).
-Skim over sections 35.3 & 35.4.... answer:
1. Why did the human population begin growing exponentially in ~1650 C.E.?
2. Name 2 predator adaptations & 2 prey adaptations.
3. Give 1 example each of: Parasitism, Mutualism, Commensalism

-Powerpoint notes Chapter 35
-Go outside & collect pine cones!

-Study for the vocab quiz tomorrow (chapter 35)
-Complete crab population worksheet for Wednesday, 23rd.
-Scientific article research paper due Friday, 25th.

"There's always free cheese in the mousetrap, but the mice there ain't happy." ~Anonymous

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