Monday, September 14, 2009

September 11, 2009

Daily Questions:
Clear you desk for the vocab quiz.

-Seating changes...
-Root word homework discussion
-Class questions over mini-lab and chromatography lab report?
Finish notes Chapter 1
Designing an experiment, starting with questions/observations, Tums in h2o!

-Both lab reports are due Mon, 14th.
-Notes Ch 2 due Mon, 14th: use 3 literacy strategies (found in your agenda books page 45), each section of chapter 2 you need to use a different strategy.
-Spend time outside, minimum 15 min, collect data, with thorough descriptions:
2 Quantitative observations
2 Qualitative observations
1 Inference
1 Generalization
Please pass these in on Mon, 14th.

"What is the good of having a nice house without a decent planet to put it on." ~Henry David Thoreau

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