Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2, 2009

Hand out remaining forms, including
1. Class Expectations
2. Letter to Parents
3. Lab Safety & Agreement form
4. Course overview/outline

We also covered class room evacuations, defining what "class norms" are, and we recorded the different kinds of laboratory equipment onto a data table that will be taped inside our lab notebooks (yet to be handed out). Each student was assigned a piece of equipment to report out to the class on it's name as well as describe what it's function or purpose was. Each student is responsible for making a drawing of the equipment inside each of the boxes provided on the handout.

"About Me" due Thurs, Sept 3rd
"Class Norms" due Thurs, Sept 3rd
QUIZ over class expectations & safety on THURS Sept 3rd
Parent signatures form due Fri., Sept 4th.

"As strong as my legs are, it is my mind that has made me a champion." ~ Michael Johnson

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