Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16, 2009

Daily Questions:
If anyone has any questions before the test over Ch 9, please write these down on a piece of paper, and raise your hand for assistance.

-Chapter 9 Test
-When finished with the test, please complete vocab for Ch 10.  You need to define all words in Ch 10, AND go in-depth for 5 of those words, defining roots, prefixes, suffixes, etc.  You need to go into depth for 5 words, not just 5 root meanings, or 5 prefix definitions!
-In addition to the vocabulary, you will need to create your own notes for Chapter 10.  As a general rule, use bold headings to start note sections, and list 2-5 main points for each paragraph of text in your book.

-Vocab Ch 10 due Friday, 18th.
-Notes for Chapter 10 are due Mon, 21st.

"The first step to getting things things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." ~Ben Stein

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