Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009

Daily Questions:
Quietly read section 9.6 to yourself and answer CC questions #2-3.  In addition, using the Chapter review pages 202-203, answer #s 1-7 & 20.

-Discuss class activities
-Complete online meiosis activity from Friday, 11th.
1. Complete online review questions at phsuccessnet.com
2. Review Ch 9 via powerpoint notes with Ms. Chessey

-All late work for Ch 9 due before test tomorrow (16th)
-Test Ch 9 on Wed, 16th
-Worksheet Ch 9 due today, 15th
-Movie questions due today, 15th

"Only I can change my life.  No one can do it for me." ~Carol Burnett

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