Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010

Daily Questions:
Using the food web in your books on page 790, identify a food chain with 4 trophic levels.  What in your chain is a producer?  What is a primary consumer?  A secondary consumer?
Now look at the Carbon Cycle on page 796.  In your food chain with 4 trophic levels, trace the carbon from the atmosphere (inorganic CO2) to your top chain consumer.  Write down how the carbon in the atmosphere moves through each step in your chain.

Envirothon Class!
1. Ch 15 notes
2. Reviewing for the test (answering questions in packet from yesterday)
3. Ecology Concept Map

Study for the final on Friday!

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." ~Sir Winston Churchill

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