Monday, November 9, 2009

November 6, 2009

You are expected to be polite and respectful to your substitute, use your time effectively and productively. If I receive a report that you did not meet these expectations, you will receive a detention or office referral when I return.
Your sub plans are listed below so there will not be any confusion as to what is expected of you. Your sub has a seating chart, you are expected to sit in your assigned seats. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

11/6/09 Friday
Sub Plans for Lab Biology 1 & HONORS                         Blocks 1&2&4

  1. You will continue to work on the Independent Study for Ch 6.  If you are interested in taking any of the quizzes listed on your “options” list, please let the sub know, the sub has access to these and can give them to you at your request. 
  2. All quizzes must be taken individually with your desk cleared while taking the quiz.  You will put completed quizzes in the “homework” folder up front.
  3. Just a reminder of HOMEWORK:
Þ   Ch 6 Test on Tues, Nov. 10th
Þ   Independent study due Mon, Nov 9th
Þ   Full lab report for dialysis lab due Thurs., Nov 12th
Þ   Last day to make up Ch 4/5 test is Tues, 10th
Thanks for working hard and using class time effectively!

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