Monday, November 30, 2009

Daily Questions:
Please get a lab binder and pick up your notebook at the front of the room.  For "Fermentation Lab" you need a full report, begin or continue working on the purpose, introduction, hypothesis, and data table.

1. Hand back quizzes
2. Fermentation lab procedures
3. Looking at the week ahead

1. Ch 7 & 8 test on Friday, 4th
2. Lab report due next Monday, 7th (Fermentation lab)
3. Make-up Ch 7 quiz by Monday, 7th.

"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously.  This is how character is built." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19, 2009

Daily Questions:
In Ch 7 review, answer #s 1-7, 8,9,11,16, 19

1. Handback lab notebooks, go over errors
2. Prep for lab experiment tomorrow, design a data table
3. Watch movie over Digestion and Bonnie Blair

Study for quiz over Ch 7 tomorrow

"A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug." ~Patricia Neal

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18, 2009

Daily Questions:
Quietly read section 7.6, answer the C.C. questions 1-3

1. Completing data table (reactants, products, ATP)
2. Online review @
-Activity 7.5
-Closer Look
-Science & Technology
-Activity 7.6

-Data table due Thurs, 19th
-Quiz on Friday

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." ~Herm Albright

November 17, 2009

Daily Questions:
Skim section 7.5 (look at figures, captions, bold words, headings).
1. Describe the structure of a mitochondria.
2. How does it's form fit it's function?
3. Name the 3 stages of respiration and describe where they take place in the cell.

1. Puzzle together reactants & products of respiration
2. Start cell respiration data table (counting ATP)

1. Worksheet Ch 7 due Wed
2. Puzzle due Wed, 18th
3. Quiz Ch 7 Friday, 20th

"Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment." ~Baltasar Gracian

Monday, November 16, 2009

November 14, 2009

Daily Questions:
Quietly read sections 7.3 & 7.4 to yourself and answer the C.C. questions 7.3= #1, 3  For section 7.4 do only #'s 1, 3, 4.

1. Finish notes from Friday, 7.3-7.4
2. Counting atoms practice, handout
3. Puzzle for cellular respiration

-Handout W.S. Ch 7
-Hand back tests, ch 6

1. Atoms practice handout due Tues, 17th
2. W.S. Ch 7 (including reading skills) due Wed, 18th
3. Puzzle due Wed, 18th (we'll have some class time Tues to continue working on this)
4. Quiz Ch 7 on Thurs or Fri this week
******Deadline for make-up Ch 6 test is Friday, 20th***************

"A man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, leads him to evil ways." ~Buddha

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009 (FRIDAY the 13th)

Daily Questions:
Fill in the chart on the overhead using the figure and text on page 140 in your books, regarding cars, cells and how both have similarities and differences.

1. Identifying the mass of a tree (Dry Ice activity)
2. Finish Diagramming concepts, hand in to box.
3. Notes 7.1 - 7.2
4. Start notes 7.3-7.4

1. Turn in diagramming concepts worksheet
2. Vocab Ch 7 due Mon, 16th
3. Notes 7.1-7.2 (questions) due Mon, 16th

"Happiness depends upon ourselves." ~Aristotle

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12, 2009

Daily Questions:
Read section 7.1 quietly to yourself and answer the concept check questions 1-3.

1. Diagramming concepts handout
2. Test make up
3. Vocab: prefixes, suffixes, roots

-Diagramming concepts due at end of class Fri, 13th
-Vocab, define all words Ch 7, also record roots, suffixes, prefixes, etc for 5 of those words.

"It's not that some people have willpower and some don't.  It's that some people are ready to change and others are not." ~James Gordon

Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9, 2009

Daily Questions:
Quietly, with no notes and no book: In your "normal" notebook, answer the following  as if a "constructed response" for a test:
1. What is the difference between exocytosis and endocytosis?
2. What is a concentration gradient?
3. Describe active transport.

1. Sorry, no potato lab
2. Finishing up I.S. and Lab Reports
3. Answering Plasma Membrane handout questions (study guide)

-I.S. due Tuesday, 10th
-Test Ch 6 on Tues (make- up date in class Thursday)
-Lab reports due Tues, 10th

November 6, 2009

You are expected to be polite and respectful to your substitute, use your time effectively and productively. If I receive a report that you did not meet these expectations, you will receive a detention or office referral when I return.
Your sub plans are listed below so there will not be any confusion as to what is expected of you. Your sub has a seating chart, you are expected to sit in your assigned seats. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

11/6/09 Friday
Sub Plans for Lab Biology 1 & HONORS                         Blocks 1&2&4

  1. You will continue to work on the Independent Study for Ch 6.  If you are interested in taking any of the quizzes listed on your “options” list, please let the sub know, the sub has access to these and can give them to you at your request. 
  2. All quizzes must be taken individually with your desk cleared while taking the quiz.  You will put completed quizzes in the “homework” folder up front.
  3. Just a reminder of HOMEWORK:
Þ   Ch 6 Test on Tues, Nov. 10th
Þ   Independent study due Mon, Nov 9th
Þ   Full lab report for dialysis lab due Thurs., Nov 12th
Þ   Last day to make up Ch 4/5 test is Tues, 10th
Thanks for working hard and using class time effectively!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5, 2009

-Final observations of dialysis lab & clean up

1. Lab report due Tues, 10th
2. Ch 6 test Tues, 10th
3. I.S. due Tues, 10th

November 4, 2009

Daily Questions:
Get a lab binder from the box and read through Day 2 procedures.  Begin writing your intro and purpose in your lab notebooks.

-Finish procedures for dialysis lab
-Cool website:

-Lab report for dialysis lab is due Tues, 10th.
-I.S. due Tues 10th
-Ch 6 test on Tues. 10th
(You can turn anything in early if you'd prefer!)

November 3, 2009

Daily Questions:
Please get a lab binder and read through the dialysis lab procedures.  In addition, take out your Power Point notes Ch 6

-P.P. notes Ch 6
-Day 1 procedures for dialysis lab
-Hand back tests Ch 4/5

Continue working on I.S.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 2, 2009

Daily Questions:
Please get a "microscope lab" handout up front, read through procedures.

Microscope lab

Continue working on I.S. (due Friday, 6th)